Looking for specific help about how to use the new website or app? Below is a list of topics that should help you.


If you can't find what you need, then please get in contact with MOCO.

Information below is provided for both the website and mobile app.

  1. Managing your account: information about logging in, resetting passwords, pins and adding users.
  2. Search & categories: how to search for products, browse categories and use the filters to find exactly what you need.
  3. Lists: how to manage them, add items and how to order from your lists.
  4. Specials & new products: where to find specials and new products
  5. Tracking orders: where to track your orders 
  6. Viewing orders: how to view all your order history, see their payment status and view/download invoices
  7. Managing users: for administrators, you can learn how to add, edit and remove users from your customer account

If you are experiencing any issues or errors while ordering please contact us and we will work to resolve them with you.

If you have any feedback about this help documentation or about online ordering, please let us know by filling out our feedback form here.